我们也不要想的太狭隘,换个角度,如果你是领导人,你肯定也想作出核武,毕竟那时一个国家的救命牌,朝鲜就像以前的中国,以前的中国不也是竭力的做核武么?只是时代不同了而已,现在多了联合国,也就多了核不扩散条约,再说了,如果发生战争,朝鲜是中国的缓冲区,朝鲜的实力稍微大一点,对中国也是有好处的.作者: ils 时间: 2009-7-18 14:56
Actually, DPRK is our lacky state which is crital to our security.
We will never give up N.Korea no matter how corrupt the government is. The crux is to what extent will we brook Mr.Jing Kong IL's political and military venture.
For the time being, I believe we have this small country in our pocket, but how long will we maintain this situation. 作者: 2121278 时间: 2009-7-19 22:01